Jayden Ellis
Jayden Ellis
AQA representative
Jayden Ellis is Chair of the AQA Executive Board, and Technical Manager of Stevenson Construction Materials.
Jayden Ellis is Business Services Manager – Finance, Technical, Engineering, Consenting, Quality, Environment, of Stevenson Construction Materials, serving wider Auckland/Waikato. He has been in the industry for 20 years, starting at Stevenson Laboratory in 1993. Jayden was a Founding Member of Civil Engineering Testing Association New Zealand (CETANZ) in 2008 and has been president since 2010.
He is a member of AQA’s Technical Committee and is particularly interested in aggregate product development, quality assurance, and quality control testing of aggregates. Jayden would like to see more utilisation of marginal aggregates in construction and an increased understanding of our resources and their geological properties.
Jayden also sits on the National Pavement Technical Group (NPTG) and the Cement and Concrete Association New Zealand (CCANZ) Technical Group.